The Friends Of The Celtic Academy
A 501(C)3 Organization
What's FOCA?
We promote Irish culture through dance and raise funds for the dancers of the Celtic Academy of Irish Dance. The Backbone of the Celtic Academy, We encourage and build confidence within the dancers by assisting with costumes, continuing education and the competitive arena. We take pride in sponsoring our annual Gem City Feis and Celtic Movements Show, allowing the dancers to reach their fullest potential through multiple channels of support. If you would like to show support for our devoted dancers please contact us by emailing below.
How can I help?
Support the dancers of the Celtic Academy of Irish Dance by attending their annual show, Celtic Movements, donate silent auction items, be a sponsor for the Gem City Feis (Irish Dance Competition), and come and watch one of their performances. For more details send an email to
Who runs FOCA?
President: Colleen Sollinger
Secretary: Tatihana Santos
Treasurer: Dan Beemsterboer
Uniform Captain: Emily Sollinger
Adult Group Representative: Emily Frieszell